organo gold

domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

Finished news being announced by Doctors, Researchers and Creators ZEAL in Nashville, TN. WELLNESS ZEAL is now classified as FUNCTIONAL FOOD and no longer as a simple vitamin supplement. That means we can now talk and make scientific claims as ZEAL is helping people because now is backed (baqueado) for Studies and Clinical Trials. Now let's change (thousands more) million lives a level of physical health with ZEAL, A FUNCTIONAL FOOD.

By the way, ZEAL has a natural ingredient called "Rice Bran stabalized" / "Stabilized Rice" that has been clinically proven as the most Nutrient Dense Food Planet.ZEAL is the ONLY product that has it!ZEAL, SRB WITH ONLY !!NOW WE ARE THE FRONT OF THE FIELD WITH A FULL FUNCTIONAL HEALTH FOOD !!!

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