organo gold

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015


Damnacanthal: This alkaloid is considered one of the most powerful to combat some enfemrdades natural plant substances. Has been shown to increase the production of phagocytes.
Xeronina: Activating more than 220 enzymes, can help reduce addictions such as snuff or alcoholism.
Scopolamine: It acts as a dilator of the pupils and helps in the "jet lag". As parasympatholytic inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses to the parasympathetic nerve endings.
Morindina and Morindadiol: These two alkaloids are attributed some effects; are the subject of numerous studies.
Noni contains various acids among which include caprylic acid (powerful antifungal), caproic acid (fungicide and insecticide) or detoxifying containing uronic acid and glucuronic acid is synthesized in the liver for detoxification.
amino Acids
Noni is extremely rich in amino acids, especially:
Alanine: Essential for the metabolism of sugars and organic acids.
Arginine: Essential for children plays an important role in the detoxification of ammonia in the body.
Cystine: Excellent help in cases of pernicious anemia, skin diseases and liver diseases.
Phenylalanine: Very important for the whole metabolism. It is present in nearly all proteins. A deficit of this amino acid functions or disorders can lead to severe metabolic or organic diseases.
Glycine: Carrier collagen structure helps to control the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the motor. Essential for wound healing.
Isoleucine: Essential in many biochemical processes.
Leucine: Essential for protein synthesis.
Lysine: Very important in the formation of bones in children and youth. Its deficiency is detected in any disturbances in acid-base balance. Involved in the production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes.
Methionine: It acts against urinary tract infections and against chronic renal failure. It is the most important physiological supplying sulfur and methyl groups. Disorders in the reabsorption of methionine can lead to mental disability, spasms, fetid diarrhea and premature graying.
Proline: One of the amino acids that make up proteins. It is also an important component of collagen.
Tyrosine: It is a direct precursor to melanin, dopamine, epinephrine and thyroxine.
Tryptophan: Essential in the biosynthesis of tryptamine, serotonin, melatonin and nicotinic acid. Has antidepressant effects and is also used to induce sleep.
Valine: amino acid important in biochemical degradation of various amino acids and fatty acids odd. Plays an important role in protein production, http:.? // Culture = is-DO

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